Friday 23 July 2010

And then there was one

This week, between puppy-sitting and The Day Job, I have been writing!

I have turned the multi-narratives work into a single/mono/solo-narrative. Mr. Graham Noble is now the sole narrator of the novel. To be honest, his story is the most interesting and his character, the mess of flaws, endearing traits and dashed hopes, is strangely nore real to me than the twenty-something guy with the writing ambition. Graham has lost love, hope and the ability to care about anything he is not completely passionate about. He is indifferent towards his family, his career and most of life's trivialities. His loves include maths, poetry and the work of Mario Testino.

Further to this summary of a fictional man's character, I have chosen him to lead the book because he excites me. I find his cynicism moving rather than dull or depressing. I even know what he might do in a given situation. He has become close to me like a well-known dear friend. I don't agree with his opinions but I am interested the questions they pose. I hope you will be too!

Book of the week: Hallucinating Foucault by Patricia Duncker

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